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Not sure if you can exercise during your period? Here's what the experts say



Not sure if you can exercise during your menses? Here's what the experts say

Practice may help with the cramps and Premenstrual Syndrome symptoms. Just if you're into yoga inversions, spinning or HIIT, should you carry on?

Not sure if you can exercise during your period? Here's what the experts say

(Photo: Pexels)

21 Jun 2022 06:30AM (Updated: 08 Aug 2022 11:05AM)

Back in master school, I couldn't sympathize how my classmate Peggy could get our teacher to let her off physical education lessons. Did her mother write the PE instructor a annotation to alibi her every calendar week? Did she suffer from a mysterious ailment? Whenever nosotros asked, she'd blush and look downwardly.

It was an ailment all right – and the mystery was solved when I hit puberty myself. It was Aunt Flo visiting and bearing unsolicited gifts of menstrual cramps and heavy periods.

Now, even every bit a eye-aged adult female, I am notwithstanding bowled over by Aunt Flo'due south extravagance on some months.

READ: Is heavy menstrual bleeding normal? And what does eating pineapple have to exercise with it?

"You shouldn't take," I'd say through gritted teeth as I coil up into a foetal position in bed from the throbbing, abdominal hurting – all while worrying about the torrential blood-letting staining the sheets.

The lethargy as well bothers me. At that place is just then much lying in bed I can practice, but mustering the free energy to pace outside for a walk and take my listen off the cramps feels similar wading through chest-deep mud.

Even if I do manage to put on my running shoes, can those feel-good exercise hormones assistance to counter menstruum cramps and other menstrual symptoms?

(Photo: Pexels/Sora Shimazaki)


Kickoff, the lowdown on menstrual cramps. Every calendar month, hormone-like prostaglandins crusade the uterus to contract and expel its lining. When prostaglandin levels are higher than usual, your cramps feel more severe, according to the Mayo Clinic's website. Very high levels can even crusade nausea and diarrhoea.

Equally the lining is shed, the prostaglandin levels taper off, which explains why menstrual cramps typically subside subsequently the start few days of the period.

Endorphins help to elevate your mood, make you experience better, and does not impact the severity of the symptoms experienced during menstruation.

Every bit for the period fatigue affecting your energy level before and during your menses, it could be your fluctuating oestrogen levels. Oestrogen production rises during the first half of the menstrual cycle and drops during the second half, according to Medical News Today's website.

Equally it dips, oestrogen also brings down your serotonin levels. It is this reduced level of serotonin that can lead to low mood and decreased energy levels.

The aforementioned website also noted other possible causes of period fatigue, including low atomic number 26 levels (or anaemia), food cravings that atomic number 82 to spikes and dips of your blood sugar levels, every bit well as disturbed sleep brought on past flow pains and mood changes.

(Photo: Pexels/Sofia Alejandra)

SHOULD Yous OR SHOULD YOU Non Practice DURING YOUR Menstruation?

My mother didn't write me an alibi letter from PE, and I haven't refrained from exercising while menstruating. Nor have I fainted from menstruation-induced anaemia that the aunties have warned me about. Just should other women follow conform?

There are some truths to the anaemia part, "peculiarly during the beginning few days when the menstrual menses can be heavier", said Dr Zhang Huipei, a family dr. and one of the medical directors of Paddington Medical Clinic.

READ: Sharper brain, higher pain threshold – here's how to take advantage of your cycle

"For women who take excessive bleeding from their menstruation, this can cause non only low energy levels, but may also cause giddiness and fainting spells," she said.

Furthermore, the low oestrogen levels when you start your menstrual cycle "tin contribute to mood swings – though for some women, the irritability, anger, anxiety, low, headaches, chest tenderness and dorsum hurting from Premenstrual Syndrome (or PMS) may get slightly better after the flow starts", said Dr Zhang.

(Photo: Pexels)


Information technology is very tempting to use your menses equally an excuse to go out of many things, including skipping a conditioning or two. But should you? And what about those exercise hormones that y'all've read about? Can they assist yous get out of your period funk?

The endorphins or "feel-good chemicals produced by the nervous system to cope with pain or stress" might actually help you, said Dr Kevin Chua, a medical advisor with Zoey, a wellness digital platform for women.

"Endorphins aid to elevate your mood, make y'all feel better, and does not touch on the severity of the symptoms experienced during period," he said.

(Photo: Unsplash/John Arano)

Still, when it comes to strength grooming, you may detect "a perceptible loss in muscular strength" if y'all're striking the weights in the get-go few days of your period. This tin be acquired by the low mood or slight anaemia in women who experience excessive bleeding, said Dr Zhang.

Furthermore, muscle soreness may be more than pronounced afterwards exercising, mayhap due to the "lower result of endorphins", she said.

Even without exercising, there are already changes in endorphin levels as a result of the flow cycle.

This is because endorphin levels, or more specifically, beta endorphins (there are 20 types of endorphins produced in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland), "peak 24 hours before your adjacent period, whereupon the levels decline once again", said Dr Lee Joon Loong, who is besides a medical director of Paddington Medical Clinic, citing a written report published in Gynecological Endocrinology.

"Which means that even without exercising, there are already changes in endorphin levels as a result of the menstruation cycle," said Dr Lee.

(Photo: Pexels/Roman Odintsov)


If y'all're nifty to maintain your fettle routine during the time of the month, bear on. "In that location's no scientific reason y'all should skip out on your workouts during your flow," said Dr Chua.

In fact, it is a expert idea to proceed with your fettle activities – merely reduce the intensity during the first few days of the menstrual cycle. "The best forms of exercise during your flow are the ones that you are accustomed to and bask participating in," said Dr Zhang.

READ: Trying to practise a headstand? Inversion yoga could lead to injuries when done wrongly

But what if your regular workout consists of high-intensity exercises such as CrossFit, high intensity interval grooming (HIIT), high-intensity spinning, or hardcore weight training? Consider temporarily swapping them for depression-intensity yoga or "light to moderate aerobic activities such as brisk walking or running", recommended Dr Lee.

The higher up is advisable, especially if your motivation to exercise isn't loftier, or you're feeling lethargic or non equally strong equally your usual self on the first twenty-four hour period or two of your menstruum.

(Photo: Freepik/Javi Indy)

But since no two women feel the same menstrual symptoms, do what y'all feel is appropriate for yourself. "Do in moderation and do not over-exert. Heed to cues from your body and be sensible about the exercise that you lot choose to do," said Dr Chua.

A good tip to ease yourself into your menstrual cycle, fettle-wise, is to include gentle stretching exercises such as yoga, Pilates or tai chi before Aunt Flo visits. These exercises may be beneficial in alleviating PMS symptoms, said Dr Zhang.

But hold off yoga inversions during your menstruation, especially if you have "a low claret count and borderline anaemia", she advised. "Doing inverted poses in any form may upshot in fainting spells and falls."

(Photograph: Pexels/Dane Wetton)

As your period comes to an end, by all means, resume your usual intensity. "Listen to your body and increase the level of intensity gradually," said Dr Chua.

No affair what exercise you're performing, stop when you experience giddiness, severe breathlessness, severe pain and/or the sensation of near-fainting, said Dr Lee. "Come across a doctor as shortly equally possible if these symptoms don't self-resolve within five to x minutes."

READ: 'Good' vs 'bad' pain: How to tell when your body is saying 'no' while exercising

He added: "Pain is another good indicator of whether a workout is suitable. Stop when it feels too painful".

At this signal, information technology is also of import to focus on your nutrition. Consider consuming fe-rich foods such as red meat and spinach to boost haemoglobin production, suggested Dr Lee.

(Photograph: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska)

And don't be embarrassed, similar my classmate Peggy, to exercise while menstruating. At that place's zip an effective sanitary pad, tampon or even period panties can't solve.

Nor should y'all feel bad for sitting out on the sidelines if your cramps just aren't cooperating with you. Do whatever feels right to you and not what some old wives' tales dictate.

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