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Delicious Glazed BBQ Meatloaf Recipe - With Video

This delicious glazed BBQ Meatloaf Recipe is one that screams traditional American food. The combination of basis beefiness, onion, eggs, breadcrumbs, and a perfect seasoning blend make this flavorful and easy to make. A sweet and spicy charcoal-broil sauce glaze adds richness and a kick of heat.

Serve this delicious BBQ meatloaf aslope Crockpot Mashed Potatoes and your favorite light-green vegetable for a complete repast that is kid-friendly and mom-approved.

glazed bbq meatloaf on a white plate being served with roasted parmesan asparagus

Glazed BBQ Meatloaf Recipe

Sometimes yous just want a classic meal on the tabular array for dinner. There is zippo more than classic American food than a good old fashioned meatloaf recipe. This glazed bbq meatloaf is a bit more than the bones option you lot may have had before. It is a classic loaf, with a delicious sweet and spicy glaze.

While this recipe takes longer to melt, it is a great pick to ready in accelerate so you only accept to pop the meatloaf into the oven when you go home after a long day.

Tip: Try different charcoal-broil sauces each time to discover different flavor profiles. A sweeter sauce will get in mild and sweet. Add in a sauce with some pepper or heat to kick things up a notch.

Two slices BBQ meatloaf on white plate with roasted Parmesan asparagus

Can I Freeze BBQ Meatloaf for Later on?

If you like to repast prep to make weeknights easier to manage, and so this is another bully option for your carte du jour. I prefer to freeze this recipe by mixing the meat mixture together and pressing into a disposable loaf pan. Then, I wrap that loaf pan in plastic wrap and place into a large freezer storage bag. Slap a characterization on the exterior with the name of the recipe, the engagement it was prepared, and the cooking instructions and put into the freezer.

You tin then remove it from the freezer the nighttime before you desire to serve it, and when you get home from work, it can simply exist popped into the oven to cook equally if information technology was freshly prepared.

Note: You tin can add the glaze to the top before freezing, but I prefer to wait and mix that up right before cooking.

Can This be Fabricated into a Gluten-Free Meatloaf?

Yes! Simply substitute in a gluten-complimentary breadcrumb and make sure your barbecue sauce is likewise gluten-free. That is one of my favorite parts of this recipe – it is easy to adapt for dietary needs!

Glazed bbq meatloaf cooked and laying on cutting board being sliced for serving

What if I Prefer Mine with Meatloaf Gravy?

Many individuals don't like the charcoal-broil sauce addition. Others don't really intendance for ketchup on their meatloaf. A traditional beefiness gravy is a mutual choice, and in this case, you could easily serve your meatloaf with a meatloaf gravy.

All yous need to exercise is omit the glaze when cooking, and set your favorite bootleg or jar of beef gravy to pour over the top in one case information technology has finished cooking.

Tin I Make this a Mini Meatloaf Recipe?

Yes! I beloved portioning meals like this using mini pans. If you pick upward mini loaf pans, it is super cute and fun to serve. Another pick is to brand this in a muffin pan and uncomplicated printing down into each muffin cup.

Cook times will modify when using a smaller pan or muffin tin. Start past cutting the cooking time in half, and cheque with a meat thermometer before serving. For safety, make sure the internal temperature of whatever ground beef recipe comes to 160ºF before serving.

BBQ Meatloaf recipe with barbecue sauce glaze served with roasted parmesan asparagus

What to Serve with BBQ Meatloaf

Equally mentioned in a higher place, you tin't become wrong with mashed potatoes and a vegetable alongside this bbq meatloaf recipe. However, in that location are other amazing recipes that will pair well with this dish. Below y'all will find some more than of my personal favorite recipes to cook and serve with my meatloaf at dinner.

Bang-up side dishes to serve with meatloaf:

  • Green Bean Goulash Recipe
  • Tedious Cooker Baked Potatoes Recipe
  • Roasted Mushrooms with Garlic and Thyme
  • Bootleg Cauliflower Fritters Recipe
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel Potato Cakes with Onion
  • Million Dollar Macaroni & Cheese
  • Zucchini Bites Recipe

Great desserts to serve with meatloaf:

  • Homemade Strawberry Cobbler
  • Easy Chocolate Brownies Recipe
  • Homemade Peach Cobbler Recipe

Extra Tip: Use leftovers the 2nd solar day to create a meatloaf sandwich. Just slice the meatloaf into 1/2″ thick pieces and reheat before calculation to toasted bread. This is great with a slice of sharp cheddar cheese melted for extra richness.

Ingredients for glazed bbq meatloaf recipe pre-measured in white bowls

Ingredients for Meatloaf

  • Ground beef
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Cream
  • Italian Herb Blend
  • Barbecue Sauce
  • Sugar
  • Garlic Powder

How to Make Meatloaf

Before you begin, make sure to preheat your oven every bit directed and line the pan of choice with parchment paper to make the loaf easier to remove one time cooked. You will also want to dice or chop your onions before y'all begin mixing things together.

Combine the basis beefiness, onion, garlic, eggs, seasonings, foam, and breadcrumbs together and mix until well combined. Press this mixture downward into your pan(s) and broil as directed. While this bakes, you tin gear up the bbq meatloaf glaze to spread over the acme before cooking for the remaining few minutes.

glazed bbq meatloaf on a white plate being served with roasted parmesan asparagus

Video Recipe:

Printable Recipe Card:

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 1 hour

Full Time i hour 10 minutes


  • two pounds (1kg) minced beef
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • ii garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 tbsp foam
  • 2 tbsp dried Italian herbs
  • two/3 cup breadcrumbs
  • 2 tbsp carbohydrate
  • 2/three cup BBQ sauce


  1. Preheat oven to 190C/375F. Comprehend 22x12cm/9x5 inches rectangular blistering pan with parchment.
  2. Combine minced beef, onion, garlic, eggs, herbs, cream and breadcrumbs together. Don't forget most a generous pinch of table salt.
  3. Spread minced beef mixture in the prepared loaf pan and smooth it on the pinnacle.
  4. Broil for forty minutes. Meanwhile make a simple glaze by whisking all of the listed ingredients together.
  5. Castor superlative of the loaf with prepared coat and return into the oven for fifteen-20 minutes. Allow cool down for x minutes before serving.

Nutrition Data:



Serving Size:

8 oz

Amount Per Serving: Calories: 401 Total Fat: 18g Saturated Fat: 8g Trans Fat: 0g Unsaturated Fat: 8g Cholesterol: 147mg Sodium: 688mg Carbohydrates: 42g Cobweb: 2g Sugar: 24g Protein: 18g


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